Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Cao W, Y Zhou, B Güneralp, X Li, K Zhao, Z Huaguo. 2022. Increasing global urban exposure to flooding: an analysis of long-term annual dynamics. Science of the Total Environment 817: 153012.
Güneralp B, X Xu, W Lin. 2021. Infrastructure Development with(out) Ecological Conservation: the Northern Forests in İstanbul. Regional Environmental Change 21: 86.
Coleman EA, B Schultz, V Ramprasad, H Fischer, P Rana, AM Filippi, B Güneralp, A Ma, C Rodriguez Solorzano, V Guleria, R Rana, F Fleischman. 2021. Limited effects of tree planting on forest canopy cover and rural livelihoods in Northern India. Nature Sustainability.
Cui W, J Li, W Xu, B Güneralp. 2021. Industrial Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth: A spatio-temporal analysis across Prefecture-Level Cities in China from 1999 to 2014. Energy 222: 119932.
Dallimer M, M Goddard, Z Davies, S Guenat, M Ferguson, A Akanni, T Ahjokoski, P Anderson, F Angeoletto, C Antoniou, A Bates, A Barkwith, A Berland, J Fisher, C Bouch, C Rega-Brodsky, L Byrne, D Cameron, R Canavan, T Chapman, S Connop, S Crossland, M Dade, D Dawson, C Dobbs, C Downs, E Ellis, F Escobedo, N Gulsrud, B Güneralp, A Hahs, J Hale, C Hassall, M Hedblom, D Hochuli, T Inkinen, I-C Ioja, D Kendall, T Knowland, I Kowarik, S Langdale, S Lerman, I MacGregor-Fors, P Manning, P Massini, S McLean, D Mkwambisi, A Ossola, G P Luque, L Pérez-Urrestarazu, K Perini, G Perry, T Pett, K Plummer, R Radji, U Roll, S Potts, H Rumble, J Sadler, S de Saille, S Sautter, C Scott, A Shwartz, R Snep, C Soulsbury, M Stanley, T Van de Voorde, S Venn, P Warren, C-L Washbourne, M Whitling, N Williams, J Yang, K Yeshitela, K Yocom. 2021. A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution: 5: 219-230.
Ma A, A M Filippi, Z Wang, Z Yin, D Huo, X Li, B Güneralp. 2021. Fast sequential feature extraction for recurrent neural network-based hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: 59(7): 5920-5937.
Güneralp B, M Reba, BU Hales, EA Wentz, KC Seto. 2020. Trends in urban land expansion, density, and land transitions from 1970-2010: a global synthesis. Environmental Research Letters 15(4): 044015.
Kim Y, N Galen, B Güneralp. 2020. A review of driving factors, scenarios, and topics in urban land-change models. Land 9(8): 246.
Castillo CR, İ Güneralp, BU Hales, B Güneralp. 2020. Scale-free structure of surface-water connectivity within a lowland river floodplain. Geophysical Research Letters 47(16): e2020GL088378.
McDonald RI, AV Mansur, F Ascensão, M Colbert, K Crossman, T Elmqvist, A Gonzalez, B Güneralp, D Haase, M Hamann, O Hillel, K Huang, B Kant, D Maddox, A Pacheco, H Pereira, K Seto, R Simkin, B Walsh, C Ziter. 2020. Research gaps in knowledge of the impact of urban growth on biodiversity. Nature Sustainability 3: 16-24.
Fleischman F, S Basant, A Chhatre, EA Coleman, HW Fischer, D Gupta, B Güneralp, P Kashwan, D Khatri, R Muscarella, JS Powers, V Ramprasad, P Rana, CR Solorzano, JW Veldman. 2020. Pitfalls of Tree Planting Show Why We Need People-Centered Natural Climate Solutions. BioScience 70(11): 947-950.
Yi H, U Kreuter, D Han, B Güneralp. 2019. Social segregation of ecosystem services delivery in the San Antonio region, Texas, through 2050. Science of the Total Environment 667: 234-247.
McDonald RI, B Güneralp, C-W Huang, KC Seto, M You. 2018. Conservation priorities to protect vertebrate endemics from global urban expansion. Biological Conservation 224: 290-299.
Yi H, B Güneralp, U Kreuter, İ Güneralp, and AM Filippi. 2018. Spatial and temporal changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment 619–620: 1259-1271.
Güneralp B, S Lwasa, H Masundire, S Parnell and KC Seto. 2017. Urbanization in Africa: Challenges and opportunities for conservation. Environmental Research Letters 13(015002).
Güneralp B, Z Yuyu, D Ürge-Vorsatz, M Gupta, S Yu, P Patel, M Fragkias, X Li, and KC Seto. 2017. Global scenarios of urban density and its impacts on building energy use through 2050. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(34): 8945–8950.
d’Amour CB, F Reitsma, G Baiocchi, S Barthel, B Güneralp, K-H Erb, H Haberl, F Creutzig, and KC Seto. 2017. Future urban land expansion and implications for global croplands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(34): 8939–8944.
Huang X, J Yang, B Güneralp, and M Burris. 2017. U.S. metropolitan spatial structure evolution: investigating spatial patterns of employment growth from 2000 to 2010. Urban Science 1(3): 28.
You M, AM Filippi, İ Güneralp, and B Güneralp. 2017. What is the direction of land change?: a new approach to land-change analysis. Remote Sensing 9(8): 850.
Shen H, S Tao, Y Chen, P Ciais, B Güneralp, M Ru, Q Zhong, X Yun, X Zhu, T Huang, W Tao, Y Chen, B Li, X Wang, W Liu, J Liu, S Zhao. 2017. Urbanization-induced population migration has reduced ambient PM2.5 concentrations in China. Science Advances 3(7): e170030.
Yi H, B Güneralp, AM Filippi, U Kreuter, İ Güneralp. 2017. Impacts of land change on ecosystem services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010. Ecological Economics 135: 125-135.
Bai X, A Surveyer, T Elmqvist, FW Gatzweiler, B Güneralp, S Parnell, A-H Prieur-Richard, P Shrivastava, JG Siri, M Stafford-Smith, J-P Toussaint, and R Webb. 2016. Defining and advancing a systems approach for sustainable cities. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 23: 69-78.
Saxena A, B Güneralp, R Bailis, G Yohe, and C Oliver. 2016. Evaluating the resilience of forest dependent communities in Central India by combining the sustainable livelihoods framework and the cross scale resilience analysis: a novel approach. Current Science 110(7): 1195-1207.
Muis S, B Güneralp, B Jongman, J Aerts, and PJ Ward. 2015. Flood risk and adaptation strategies in Indonesia: a probabilistic analysis using globally available data. Science of the Total Environment 538: 445-457.
Güneralp B, AS Perlstein, and KC Seto. 2015. Balancing urban growth and ecological conservation: a challenge for planning and governance in China. Ambio 44(6): 532-543.
Conde D, F Colchero, B Güneralp, M Gusset, B Skolnik, M Parr, O Byers, K Johnson, G Young, N Flesness, H Possingham, and JE Fa. 2015. Opportunities and costs for preventing vertebrate extinctions, Current Biology 25(6): R219-R221.
Güneralp B, İ Güneralp, and Y Liu. 2015. Changing global patterns of urban exposure to flood and drought hazards. Global Environmental Change 31: 217-225.
McDonald RI, B Güneralp, W Zipperer, and PJ Marcotullio. 2014. The future of global urbanization and the environment. Solutions 5(6): 60-69.
Castello CR, İ Güneralp, and B Güneralp. 2014. Influence of changes in developed land and precipitation on hydrology of a coastal Texas watershed. Applied Geography 47: 154-167.
Duer-Balkind M†, K Jacobs, B Güneralp, and X Basurto. 2013. Resilience, social-ecological rules, and environmental variability in a two-species artisanal fishery. Ecology and Society 18(4): 50.
Güneralp B, İ Güneralp, CR Castello, and AM Filippi. 2013. Land change in the Mission-Aransas coastal region, Texas: implications for coastal vulnerability and protected areas. Sustainability 5: 4247-4267.
Güneralp B, KC Seto, and M Ramachandran. 2013. Evidence of urban land teleconnections and impacts on hinterlands. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5: 445-451.
Güneralp B and KC Seto. 2013. Futures of global urban expansion: uncertainties and implications for biodiversity conservation. Environmental Research Letters 8: 014025.
Güneralp B, M Reilly, and KC Seto. 2012. Capturing multiscalar feedbacks in urban land change: a coupled system dynamics spatial logistic approach. Environment and Planning B 39(5): 858-879.
Seto KC, B Güneralp, and LR Hutyra. 2012. Global forecasts of urban expansion to 2030 and direct impacts on biodiversity and carbon pools. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(40): 16083-16088.
Güneralp B and KC Seto. 2012. Can gains in efficiency offset the resource demands and CO2 emissions from constructing and operating the built environment? Applied Geography 32(1): 40-50.
Seto KC, M Fragkias, B Güneralp, and M Reilly. 2011. A meta-analysis of global urban land expansion. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23777.
Xu C, B Güneralp, GZ Gertner, and RM Scheller. 2010. Elasticity and loop analysis: tools for understanding forest landscape response to climatic change in spatial dynamic models. Landscape Ecology 25(6): 855-871.
Zuidema PA, RJW Brienen, HJ During, and B Güneralp. 2009. Do persistently fast-growing juveniles contribute disproportionately to population growth? A new analysis tool for matrix models and its application to rainforest trees. American Naturalist 174: 709-719.
Güneralp B and KC Seto. 2008. Environmental impacts of urban growth from an integrated dynamic perspective: a case study of Shenzhen, South China. Global Environmental Change 18(4): 720-735.
Güneralp B. 2007. An improved formal approach to demographic loop analysis. Ecology 88(8): 2124-2131.
Güneralp B, G Gertner, G Mendoza, and A Anderson. 2007. Evaluating probabilistic data with a possibilistic criterion in land-restoration decision-making: Effects on the precision of results. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(14): 1546-1560.
Güneralp B and G Gertner. 2007. Feedback loop dominance analysis of two tree mortality models: relationship between structure and behavior. Tree Physiology 27(2): 269-280.
Güneralp B. 2006. Towards coherent loop dominance analysis: progress in eigenvalue elasticity analysis. System Dynamics Review 22(3): 263-289.
Anderson AB, G Wang, S Fang, GZ Gertner, B Güneralp, and D Jones. 2005. Assessing and predicting changes in vegetation cover associated with military land use activities using field monitoring data at Fort Hood, Texas. Terramechanics 42(3-4): 207-230.
Güneralp B, G Mendoza, G Gertner, and A Anderson. 2003. Spatial simulation and fuzzy threshold analyses for allocating restoration areas. Transactions in GIS 7(3): 325-343.
Güneralp B and Y Barlas. 2003. Dynamic modelling of a shallow freshwater lake for ecological and economic sustainability. Ecological Modelling 167(1-2): 115-138.
Peer-reviewed Book chapters
Haase D, B Güneralp, B Dahiya, X Bai, and T Elmqvist. 2018. Global Urbanization: Perspectives and Trends. In The Urban Planet: Knowledge Towards Livable Cities, Edited by: T. Elmqvist, X. Bai, N. Frantzeskaki, C. Griffith et al, Cambridge, 17-44 pp.
Güneralp B. 2016. Resource Use for Construction and Operation of Built Environments. Handbook on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Taylor & Francis, pp 77-92.
Elmqvist T, W Zipperer, B Güneralp. 2016. Urbanization, Habitat loss and Biodiversity Decline: Solution Pathways to Break the Cycle. Handbook on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Taylor & Francis, pp 139-151.
Dhakal S, KC Seto; A Bigio, H Blanco, GC Delgado, D Dewar, L Huang, A Inaba, A Kansal, S Lwasa, J McMahon, D Mueller, J Murakami, H Nagendra, A Ramaswami; B Güneralp (contributing author) et al. 2014. Chapter 12: Human Settlements, Infrastructure and Spatial Planning in Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change, Fifth Assessment Report, Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Geneva, Switzerland.
Güneralp B. 2014. Land-Use and Land-Cover Change (LULCC). In Encyclopedia of Natural Resources. Edited by: Wang, Y.Q., Taylor & Francis: New York, pp 328–337.
Güneralp B, RI McDonald, M Fragkias, J Goodness, PJ Marcotullio, and KC Seto. 2013. Urbanization forecasts, effects on land use, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. In Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities - A Global Assessment, UN Convention of Biological Diversity and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Edited by: Elmqvist T et al., Springer, pp 439-454.
Güneralp B, A Tezer, and İ Albayrak. 2013. Local assessment of İstanbul: Biodiversity and ecosystem services. In Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities - A Global Assessment, UN Convention of Biological Diversity and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Edited by: Elmqvist T et al., Springer, pp 291-311.
Güneralp B and KC Seto. 2013. Sub-regional assessment of China: Urbanization in biodiversity hotspots. In Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities - A Global Assessment, UN Convention of Biological Diversity and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Edited by: Elmqvist T et al., Springer, pp 57-63.
Fragkias M, B Güneralp, KC Seto, and J Goodness. 2013. A synthesis of global urbanization projections. In Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities - A Global Assessment, UN Convention of Biological Diversity and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Edited by: Elmqvist T et al., Springer, pp 409-437.
McDonald RI, PJ Marcotullio, and B Güneralp. 2013. Urbanization and global trends in biodiversity and ecosystem services. In Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities - A Global Assessment, UN Convention of Biological Diversity and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Edited by: Elmqvist T et al., Springer, pp 31-52.
Elmqvist T, M Fragkias, J Goodness, B Güneralp, PJ Marcotullio, RI McDonald, S Parnell, M Schewenius, M Sendstad, KC Seto, C Wilkinson, M Alberti, C Folke, N Frantzeskaki, D Haase, M Katti, H Nagendra, J Niemelä, STA Pickett, CL Redman, and K Tidball. 2013. Stewardship of the biosphere in the Urban Era. In Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities - A Global Assessment, UN Convention of Biological Diversity and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Edited by: Elmqvist T et al., Springer, pp 719-746.